
Various Arduino Snippets

Every now and then I create a small Arduino (test) project. I think I should publish the stuff here — this is mostly cargo cult code that has been hammered into some semi-working form.



The code behind my fluorescent light demo.


Quick hack for some soothing orange light put into a tiny desk-top house made of clay


Code for a small project which uses a humidity sensor (DHT22) and an APA102-RGB-LED to indicate if the current humidity is in an acceptable range. red means it is too dry, blue means it is too humid, everything else is something between yellow-orange and green.

It would also switch off the LED if it was too dark in the room, so it would not annoy me at night.

At some point I will polish that code and move the whole thing from breadboard to a more fixed setup. All components are here, but I haven’t gotten around to doing it yet. I’m targeting some ATTiny, though.

The original file name was sketch_humidity_cargo_cult.ino, so take that into account…